KConnect is a cross-sector network.

As a network of public, private, and independent organizations, KConnect aims to facilitate and advance a common agenda to ensure all children in Kent County have a clear path to economic prosperity through quality education, family, and community support. The backbone team supports the work of this network.

Before KConnect

Education, human services, government, philanthropy, grassroots, faith communities, nonprofits, and businesses have all spent time, money, and effort aimed at improving our most pressing challenges, but the results have been isolated and haven’t scaled to reach all children, youth, and families.

Together With KConnect

Rather than trying to tackle the problem directly, KConnect brings people from all the sectors together and helps them reimagine the systems they have created while aligning individual efforts and measurement. This is what Collective Impact is all about. No one organization can accomplish true “systems change” by working in a silo. To align and integrate the work of public, private, and nonprofit sectors, KConnect convenes strategic, volunteer, cross-sector workgroups ((equity)). KConnect supports the workgroups with a defined structure, transparent process, and shared metrics.

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core workgroups

Core Workgroups focus on creating strategies to achieve equitable outcomes in three focus areas: Prenatal to Third Grade, 4th-12th Grade, and High School to Career.

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Cross-Cutting workgroups

Cross-Cutting Workgroups are workgroups that act as content experts in the following fields: Data and Capacity, Equity and Inclusion, Community Engagement, and Policy and Advocacy.

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Foundational Workgroups

Our Foundational Workgroup is Home and Family Stability. This workgroup focuses on meeting the community’s basic needs in order to prepare students for educational and career success.