KConnect Workplan

We have eight success measures spanning the prenatal to career continuum, which the team of original Steering Committee members worked hard to identify in those early days. Since then we have all endeavored to find the critical levers of change (Indicators). We also have 27 Indicators that we believe will change our outcomes in a significant way if we get behind them. All of this is happening, not because of KConnect as an organization, but because of you, our extremely dedicated network that continues to move forward, challenge the status quo, and prioritize the interests of children and families above our own independent agendas.

This updated version of the Workplan visualizes the 27 “swim lanes” under each Success Measure that represent KConnect’s Indicators spanning the prenatal to career continuum. Indicators allow network members, and those new to KConnect, to easily identify where their time, talent, treasure, or organizational mission can best be leveraged. For example, individuals with a passion for Early Childhood can “jump into” the Born Healthy lane while those with expertise in higher education can focus on College Enrollment.

Our Workplan

Use your mouse to click and pan around this interactive map.